Date: 21 may 1982
Story by: Cap. Higinio Robles
Aircraft: M5 Dagger.
Two flights left in the afternoon. 1er Ten. Luna was shot down by one of the 5 Harriers (he was last in his flight) trying to intercept the Daggers that in line ahead fly between a narrow pass made up by clouds on one side and Hornby Range on the other.
Cap. Mir González and the rest of the Daggers were not aware of the Harriers and though that Luna had crashed against the mount. He started the attack to a frigate located close to the coast of Isla Soledad. His bomb fell short and skipping on the surface of the wáter dodged in the hull while the plane passed among the ship’s masts.
Ten. Bernhardt’s hits the forward deck, Cap Robles drops his. While jumping over the ship he sees a large square white part of the antenna flying in the air close to his canopy. To his right he saw a missile chasing #2. He shouted to break his turn and the missile lost its track.
Ten. Luna ejected and was recovered later on.